Monday 9 May 2011


Christ. I keep bigging up the places I've been. You're sick of hearing me going on about how great everything is but blimey (I haven't used that word in ages) this place was good craic!

Out of the city and into the country. We arrived in Goreme, a small town in the middle of Cappadocia which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A 12 hour drive from rainy Istanbul was a bit of a drag but arriving here you can see why its a backpackers mecca.

I learnt today that millions of years ago a volcano erupted in this area. The result was a huge plateau that covered the entire area. Over millions of years erosion has sculpted the landscape into what it is today. The beauty of nature however has reared its head again and convinced me that Mother Nature is definitely a woman..

However, things aren't all that way. She must have a boyfriend...

So anyway.... Yesterday, hungover from our first "boy's night out" which for the record was uninspired by the landscape, we headed into Goreme and had a chicken Kebab for lunch (when in Rome) I encountered my second brilliant waiter moment. This waiter was really irritating and kept sitting down with us and taking the piss in an annoying way. We were all eating and he was sitting down with us but Jen's food hadn't come.

Crazy Waiter: "What are you thinking about?"
Jen: "I'm wondering where my fucking food is.."
Crazy Waiter: "I go check..."

(She didn't actually say "fuckin" I added that for comic effect)

After lunch we went for a SAVAGE 3 hour quad bike around the landscape with a guided tour, which proved to me that there's no rules in Turkey.

Then this morning, highlight number two of the day was a balloon ride around Goreme. This cost €110 but was worth every penny. We had to get up at 4.30 am but it was worth it definitely the highlight of the trip so far. I couldn't get over how low we went to the ground and how high up we got. One word of advice though: Don't look down!

Then today we went on a bus tour around Cappadocia. However, we were all so bleedin wrecked from getting up at half 4 that we weren't bothered by it and asked her to finish early poor woman thought we were a bunch of miserable old todgers (is that a word?). But it was still fun as we looked around an underground city and saw some more rocks.. Oh and a random Camel with an American trying to pay for a ride on it until the Camel tried to bite her when she went near it..

Turkey has been great so far. The only problems being I'm spending shit loads of money and eating way too much food so it ain't too bad.

Tomorrow we head off North towards Georgia for our first Bushcamp i.e. Camping in the middle of nowhere with no Showers or Toilet! Remember last blog when I said it was starting to get interesting? Yeah we'll see tomorrow how interesting shitting in a field really is..

Adios Amigos

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