Wednesday 20 April 2011

Belgium & Germany

Hello People,

4 days in and having a rockin time!

Got the bus from London Sunday morning. Was late for the pick up cos I decided to have Breakfast but I was only about ten mins late so it wasn't too bad. We got a coach to Dover where we met up with the truck. What a machine. Massive Mercedes Benz truck 20 seats huge Diesel Engine it'll be my home for the next 4 months till we reach Calcutta and its one hell of a machine.

Have to say everyone on the trip is dead on and I was surprised that by the time we reached our first camp in a little campsite in Tournai in Belgium we were all buddies. CJ and Jim are our two guys. They both would fall into the "legends" category in my book. CJ does the talkin and Jom drives the truck! We had Spag Bol for our first night in the camp. The truck is all kitted out with cooking equipment so its easy enough to get a meal together.

I'm sharing a tent with a Scottish bloke called Denis. He's a mad Scotsman in his 50s but I think he's perfect to be bunking with. Mad for a pint. Typical Scot. Today is day 4 and not only are we sleeping together but we're doing our washing together and I'm also giving him a haircut tomorrow so... keep your jokes to yourselves bitches. We had an unsuccessful attempt to find a pub in Tournai. We wondered around for about an hour. The only place we found was a Casino that only served Coffee so as Denis put it "Fuck tha' " So we went off to bed..together

Early start the next day saw us take a 5 hour drive to Cologne. The weather was frickin unreal so we set up camp.

The campsite was right on the river Rhine and it was spectacular. We had a quick lunch and strolled into town to see the Dom Cathedral which was brilliant. It was a 5km walk from the campsite along the Rhine. We took the 509 steps up to the top of the Cathedral the views over Cologne were brilliant.

After the Dom we went out for a group meal where we had a great time supping German Beer. I shares a foot long German sausage with 4 of the girls. Again.. jokes to yourself!

I washed the sausage down with a good few German Beers and a handy session in a Bar with a mental German Jazz Pianist.

The next day we had an 8 hour drive to Bamberg. The drives are quite relaxing. Jim takes it handy and we stop every 2 hours or so. Germany's infrastructure is astounding. Huge Highways, massive suspension bridges. Everything is precise and perfect. One of the cool things about Germany (and I'm not joking here) is the toilets. You have to pay 50 cent everywhere you go but strangely its worth it as everything is electrical and they clean them selves after you use them really weird and cool. Took advantage of this the day after the session. Pleased to say the Sausage was still intact...

CJ and Jom told us the toilets are only gonna get worst from here..

Arrived at a fantastic Campsite in Bamberg. We stayed in for the night when we arrived as were all wrecked from the night before. Today we strolled around Bamberg. Its a beautiful city. Its a World Heritage protected town. All the buildings are old and protected.

So we're heading off to Prague tomorrow looking forward to that. Not before a nice session in Bamberg is had. Details to follow...

1 comment:

  1. haha wait till u get to the toilets in south east asia ben. Lovely dirty squatters :)
